A Wake-Up Call for Children`s Marketers
Released on = March 1, 2006, 1:43 pm
Press Release Author = Youth Market Systems Consulting
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = \"The future of marketing to kids must undergo a radical transformation for the positive if the industry wishes to avoid lawsuits and restrictive legislation\", says Dan Acuff. president of Youth Market Systems Consulting.
Press Release Body = ADVOCATES THREATEN LAWSUITS TO CURB FOOD MARKETING! NEW YORK: As more and more children grow obese eating fatty foods saturated with sugar, consumer advocates battling to curb marketing by food companies are threatening to use their big guns: lawsuits and bad press. Reuters - 22 February 2006
Headlines like this are becoming increasingly common in the U.S. and around the world. It is becoming clear that the old way of doing business, especially business with kids, must undergo change if the makers and marketers of products aimed at kids want to survive.
\"What\'s called for is an innovative and sensitive response via new products and programs that enrich our children instead of debilitate them\", according to YMS president Dr. Daniel Acuff. Youth Marketing Systems is a highly specialized consulting firm that assists companies in the development and marketing of responsible and enriching products and programs targeted to youth, from birth through the teen years and their parents.
\"The future of marketing to parents, kids, tweens and teens is not only in the hands of corporations that target our young people with their products and programs, but increasingly is in the hands of state and national legislative bodies and the courts\", says Acuff. \"If companies want to continue to pursue the trillion dollar youth market they are going to have to face the facts about what is potentially harmful and adjust their efforts dramatically.
\"Youth-targeted products and programs essentially fall into three categories\", according to Robert Reiher, PhD and co-author along with Acuff of KIDNAPPED: How Irresponsible Marketers are Stealing the Minds of Your Children:
1. GOOD: These actually contribute to the positive growth and well-being of our young. This category includes, for example, healthy foods, snacks and beverages, developmental learning toys and games, most apparel and some TV and film. 2. NEUTRAL: These are products and programs that are typically okay and unharmful if used/consumed in moderation and age-appropriately. In this category is most TV and film, non-violent video games, food and beverage fast foods and treats. 3. BAD: These products and programs have been shown to be harmful, even dangerous, to our young. They include foods high in sugar and fat, violent TV, film and video games, internet violence and sexual material, alcohol, drugs, tobacco and irresponsible gun use.
\"The tools YMS offers represent an objective and scientific approach to different youth stages of development based on sound brain research and child and teen development principles\", says Dr. Acuff. \"After more than 25 years of helping companies successfully develop and market enriching youth products and programs, YMS is considered by many of it\'s clients to be the worlds leading experts on today\'s kid, tween and teen consumers and all family marketing\".
For more information on Youth Market Systems Consulting and the Future of Youth Marketing, please see the website at www.ymsconsulting.com.
Web Site = http://www.ymsconsulting.com
Contact Details = Dan Acuff 935 Fairview Avenue, Suite B Arcadia , 91007 $$country
626-445-1767 danielacuff@sbcglobal.nett http://www.ymsconsulting.com
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